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Taunton Youth for Christ - latest news

Transformed - August Newsletter

We're about seeing young people's lives changed by Jesus.

New Website
We are currently building a new website!
We will let you know as soon as this is up and running.

Chloe - Court Fields School
Chloe starts work at Court Fields School this week. Please pray as she meets staff and pupils and gets embedded into the school.

Sharing with Churches
If you would like Taunton Youth for Christ to come and share about our work with your church group or community, please email Kelly on:

Prayer and Fasting Day
Our next prayer and fasting day is Monday 2nd September.
We will be gathering from 1pm - 3pm, upstairs at North Street Church. Please come and join us as we contend for the Youth in our town.

Annual General Meeting
Date for your diary - we will be holding our AGM on Wednesday 2nd October @7:30pm. 
Prayer Points

Weekly prayer covering
Please pray for and during our various activities during the week.
Monday - Safe space/Home work drop in session - 4pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday - Priorswood Outreach 6pm

Wednesday - Pyrland School - 1pm - 4pm, Bible Study - 5:30pm - 7pm
Thursday - Asylum seeker Outreach - 4pm - 5:30pm, Halcon Outreach - 6pm - 8:30pm  

Monday - Friday - Chaplaincy at Court Fields School

Please pray as we launch into the autumn term with Outreach. A lot has shifted over the summer and we feel the Lord is calling us to change the way we do some of our Outreach work, so please pray for wisdom as we navigate this. Our vision is always to reveal the heart of Jesus and to do this in the safest and wisest way possible. 

We have a number young people facing some big challenges at the moment. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate this season with other professionals. 

New School Term
Please pray for all the young people going back to school this coming week. We have a number of young people who find school difficult, who are apprehensive about going back. We also have a young person starting back at school after a number of years of being out of education. This is a huge milestone so please cover them in prayer. 

We are dealing with a number of Safeguarding issues around our most vulnerable young people at the moment. Please pray for us as we work with other agencies to support these young people and that we are able to influence a culture that is so unhealthy.
Speaking hope and life into the darkness. 
Thank you's

Trustees & Volunteers
A continued thank you to all of our Trustees and Volunteers who faithfully serve. They give of themselves time and time again and we couldn't do this work without them.

A continued thank you to everyone who has partnered with us financially this past year and for all those who continue to support us in 2024. We pray the Lord would bless you for your faithful commitment to us. 

Prayer Partners
A continued thank you to all that continue to partner with us in prayer. Your prayers and time are invaluable to the work that we do. Please do email Kelly any thoughts, verses or anything prophetic that you receive whilst praying.
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Our mailing address is:
Taunton Youth for Christ
Taunton Youth For Christ Office
33 North Street
Taunton, Somerset TA1 1LW
United Kingdom

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