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We welcome you to join us.
Thank you for taking the time to find out a little more about the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul.
As we begin 2025 we remain committed to worshipping God and praying for His Kingdom to grow in Bishops Hull (our stated focus is WORSHIP, MISSION & DISCIPLESHIP). We are delighted to announce our ancient church building is now open after some fantastic changes to the welcome area. You are most welcome to pop along to any of our services or events and see what's new for yourself.
We have services on a Sunday at 8am and 10am, and on a Wednesday at 10am. We remain open on a Wednesday after the services until 12noon for anyone to drop by and share a coffee/story or just to meet new friends in a warm space. We have weekly prayer meetings (currently online) on a Wednesday at 09am as well as monthly coffee mornings at 10am on the last Saturday of the month. Many people are involved in the services, the welcome, the refreshments as well as more practical ways of keeping the church grounds tidy. Most of all we want you to feel welcomed and know that this is a place for you to belong.
Over the Advent and Christmas celebrations we have had lots of opportunities to reflect on the gift God has given, to join with the local community in singing hundreds of Carols (old and new), eaten way too many mince pies, drunk just enough mulled wine, laughed with those rejoicing, cried with those weeping and even welcomed our CMS link missionaries from Brazil. Now we are looking forward to all God has in store for us in 2025.
It would be lovely to welcome you and you can be assured of a warm welcome at any of our services or events. Why not pop along and see for yourself?
Join us to celebrate Jesus!
Rev Phil Hughes
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