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Taunton Youth for Christ - latest news

Transformed - September Newsletter

We're about seeing young people's lives changed by Jesus.
A message from Kate - Our Chair of Trustees

Last month we celebrated the second anniversary of Kelly being in post as the Taunton Youth for Christ, Centre Director. Kelly has more than exceeded our expectations having developed the outreach work whilst networking with statutory bodies and building trust in the local community. Although Kelly dislikes being in the limelight, the trustees felt we should celebrate her achievements.
Well done Kelly!

Hello from Chloe - Our new Chaplain

Hi everyone! My name is Chloe. I have 3 younger brothers, my favourite colour is pink and I love anything to do with avocados! Most importantly, I love teenagers and I love Jesus, and I am 3 weeks into my new role as Chaplain at Court Fields School in Wellington. 

So far, I have settled in really quickly and both staff and students have made me feel really welcome. I love being here and feel so expectant every day that God will give me opportunities to be His hands and feet in this town. So far, I have had some great conversations with curious teens and hopefully sparked interest in some staff members too! 

Please pray for this school, the staff and students alike, that God will soften hearts to the gospel and that we would see a harvest in this town! 

Youth Centre
We have some exciting news to share with you - more details of the heart and vision around this will be shared at our AGM, but we just wanted to take this opportunity to share what we can so far and ask you to pray.

A partnership is underway between Oakwood Church and Taunton Youth for Christ to develop a youth centre at Oakwood Church. This is an incredible opportunity for us and is something we have been dreaming about with the Lord for the past 2 years. The need the young people have is colossal and we really feel that the Lord is calling us to step out and reach for this. We feel He is calling us to create a home, a hub, a safe space where life skills can be taught that could transform a young persons life.

The Outreach work that we are currently doing, we will continue to do, but this will be the next step in that relationship, journeying towards healthy independence as adults. 
We aspire to be a beacon of light, nurturing faith, fostering resilience, and igniting passion for positive change. Through compassionate mentorship, holistic life skills and unwavering support, we envision a community where disadvantaged youth are given the tools to break cycles of poverty and adversity, becoming catalysts for renewal and ambassadors of God's grace in our world. 

Please pray and dream with us for this and join us at our AGM to hear more! 

Annual General Meeting - Change of date
We will be holding our AGM on Sunday 27th October, 7pm at North Street Church. We can't wait to share with you, all that the Lord has done this year through your generous prayer and giving. We will also be sharing some exciting updates for 24/25 before joining in with Pursuit to pray for the youth of this town.
Please note -  parking is unavailable at North Street Church but alternative parking is close by. 

YWAM Circuit Riders
We are currently planning a joint evangelistic event with the Circuit Riders when they come to Taunton in January. The CR's have served alongside us for many years and we have high expectations for what they will bring and impart to our young people. As soon as dates have been finalised, these will publicised and anyone aged 11-18 is welcome to join us. This will be a great opportunity for your youth to bring their non-Christian friends along. 

Shared Youth Worker Post

We currently have a job advert live, for a full-time 'Shared Youth Worker' post, shared between Taunton Youth for Christ and Oakwood Church. If you are interested in this, please do have a look on our website or send Kelly an email and she will share more details with you.
Please share this with anyone you feel would be great in this role. 

Sharing with Churches
If you would like Taunton Youth for Christ to come and share about our work with your church group or community, please email Kelly.

Prayer and Fasting Day
Our next prayer and fasting day is Monday 7th October.
We will be gathering from 1pm - 3pm, upstairs at North Street Church. Please come and join us as we contend for the Youth in our town.
Prayer Points

Weekly prayer covering
Please pray for and during our various activities during the week.
Monday - Safe space/Home work drop in session - 4pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday - Priorswood/Lyngford Outreach 6pm

Wednesday - Pyrland School - 1pm - 4pm
Thursday - Asylum seeker Outreach - 4pm - 5:30pm, Halcon/Victoria Park Outreach - 6pm - 8:30pm  

Monday - Friday - Chaplaincy at Court Fields School & community mentoring

Youth Hub finance
Please pray with us as we look at funding this project. At this present time, the space is not usable and needs a significant amount of work doing before we can start to create a home. We will be looking for grants to support this but please share this with anyone you feel would like to partner with us in this vision.

Please continue to pray for our Outreach work. We have definitely been in a season of change and we have shifted our locations and work slightly. We have also incorporated walking the streets again as we felt the Lord calling us to re-launch the nets to gather young people we haven't connect with yet. Please pray as we look to develop relationships in new locations.

Shared Youth Worker Post
Please pray as we seek to appoint a full-time shared youth worker to join our team.

Thank you's

Trustees & Volunteers
As ever, our continued thank you to all of our Trustees and Volunteers who faithfully serve. They give of themselves time and time again and we couldn't do this work without them.

A continued thank you to everyone who has partnered with us financially this past year and for all those who continue to support us in 2024. We pray the Lord would bless you for your faithful commitment to us. 

Prayer Partners
A continued thank you to all that continue to partner with us in prayer. Your prayers and time are invaluable to the work that we do. Please do email Kelly any thoughts, verses or anything prophetic that you receive whilst praying.
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You have been added to this list because we love the local Church and want to support you and share what TYfC have been doing.

Our mailing address is:
Taunton Youth for Christ
Taunton Youth For Christ Office
33 North Street
Taunton, Somerset TA1 1LW
United Kingdom
Page last updated: Wednesday 2nd October 2024 2:34 PM
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